Tag Archives: weeds

State of Wonder

15 Oct
by Deanne

A dandelion is magical. It looks like a little puffy flower designed to be plucked and blown away on the wind with a wish.

However to a homeowner with a green lawn they are a simply a weed: something to be controlled.

Steve and I made a BIG move last month.  Now I am a city dweller in a small studio apartment.  No dandelions here.  Not so fast,  I took a walk with the intention of learning to use my camera. The only picture that turned out (kinda) was this one. Photo of Dandelion

Has life gone the way of weeds or does it mean that now I am in a state of wonder where wishes really do come true?

Starting over is something I have done twenty times. Yes that’s right twenty dwellings in seven states from California to Pennsylvania.

Mostly it feels like I am in a state of wonder.  This new move really did come from a wish or a better word might be an intention.  I wanted to live in a place where I could easily walk to go about my day. When I made this desire known to myself and a few people close to me, I didn’t see how it would ever be possible. I was married to a farmer and in the past he always preferred to live in a rural area. (I am still married to the same farmer, he just wanted to explore this kind of living also.)

At the moment there are so many new choices and opportunities!  Sometimes however, it feels confusing, like I’ve wandered into the weeds.

Alas, I remember, that lost feeling comes with having new goals and being a beginner again.  Now, my wish is to learn to take my own photographs and grow my blogging skills.  This post is important to me because it marks a turning point and time to start again.  I will  be sharing new discoveries about real food and cooking.

I’m curious, what new wishes do you have?  Don’t be afraid to acknowledge them and then let go and see how things play out.